Popfax.com bought by eFax, world leader of Internet Fax

Popfax.com has sold its business on this 23rd of September 2015 by signing an agreement with J2 Global, proprietor of the eFax brand, world leader of Internet Fax that serves more than 11 million users.
A period of several months shall start for preparing the clients transfer from Popfax.com towards the eFax platform. During this period of time, the teams from both companies shall work hand in hand in order to ensure the smoothest possible transition to the customers.
POPFAX company is owned at 100% by POPESCO. Vladimir Popesco, the founding manager of POPESCO and POPFAX welcomes this agreement:
“For a few years now, we were no longer finding the keys of the POPFAX business growth, although our clients were notably satisfied with the Popfax.com service. The Internet Fax offers have progressively been generalized and commoditized. In the context of a mature market, it is logical that powerful players on these markets are consolidating the smaller players: it is the case with J2 Global.
For POPESCO this gives access to free cash that shall make our investment in new startup projects possible, in areas where we think there is a higher growth potential for us. This is also an opportunity of exit for the investors that helped us developing POPFAX, an adventure that we started in 2006.”